4 Tips On Getting Your Child Ready For Their First Dentist Visit
June 21, 2023All of us at Park Dental understand how exciting it can be for your child to go to the dentist for the first time! We want your child to have a great time at their first dentist visit. With these few easy and fun tips, your child will be ready for their appointment in no time!
Tip 1: Play Dentist at Home
Try introducing what the dentist and team members will do in a dentist appointment during play time! This can provide some fun insight for your child before their first appointment. To make it more interactive, you can get a dentist play kit from Target in the toy section (think Melissa and Doug or Play-Dough!) If you’re unsure where to start, you can always call your dentist to get a few tips.
Tip 2: Have Your Child Tag Along With You to Your Appointments!
Having your child get familiar with the dental office, team members, and overall appointment will give them an idea on how their first visit may go. Our team members are more than happy to give your child a ride in the dental chair!
Tip 3: Read Child Friendly Dentist Books
Visit your local library and have the librarian direct you towards children’s books about the first time at the dentist. Check those out and read them with your child before their first appointment to get them even more excited to visit their dentist!
Tip 4: Contact your Dentist for Tips!
Give your dental office a call and ask your dentist a few simple and fun ways to explain procedures in a child friendly way. Our team members want to ensure that all of our patients are comfortable and always well taken care of!
We are so excited to meet you and your child at their first visit. Be sure to check out our video with Kid’s Club member, Mia, as she talks through her visit at Park Dental! We hope to see you soon at one of our Park Dental practices! Call or use our online scheduler today to request an appointment.